Part 3: Kickstart Your Quest to Sustainability. Become a B-Corp!

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of business, a magical idea was developed that turned ordinary companies into extraordinary ones! The secret potion? A combination of ingredients like sustainability, social responsibility, and a pinch of environmental friendliness. Welcome, friends, to the enchanting world of B-Corps. Buckle up, feather and scroll ready… Because you're in for a class Alchemy ⚗️🧙‍♀️ on ‘how to become a B-Corp?’ And how can your company become more sustainable?

B-Corp Article cover

How can I start to become a B-Corp?

Let’s start with a little recap. In 2006, three friends, armed with a Stanford education and a dream, gave birth to a radical concept that shook the very foundation of traditional capitalism. They created the B-Lab, a non-profit organisation that envisioned a world where companies served the greater good. This bold idea led to the birth of B-Corps, a new breed of companies balancing profit with purpose. Now, let's get you started on your own path to join this league of extraordinary companies.

If you haven’t read our First article on B-corps I would recommend dive into that first before you continue your journey here.

1. Measure your Impact

When you think about “how to become a B-Corp?” Think of it as an epic adventure. Just like any good adventure, it starts with preparing for the journey. Your first step is to measure your impact. The B-Lab provides a free tool, the B Impact Assessment, to help you measure your company's current impact on its employees, community, environment, and customers. Don't be disappointed if your impact isn't quite Gandalf the Grey-level 🧙‍♂️ just yet, every journey begins with a single step. In this case a step in the right direction!

2. Prepare your Quest

Now that you know where you stand, it's time to map your route towards becoming more sustainable? Identify areas for improvement. Maybe your carbon footprint is a bit on the Dragon-size, or perhaps your employee benefits could use a sprinkle of Pixie dust. Whatever the case, now's the time to make changes. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are sustainable businesses. Every step you take towards reducing your environmental impact or enhancing your social responsibility is a step closer to your destination.

3. Gather your companions & Create your fellowship

Next on your quest to 'how to become a B-Corp?' is to weave your values into the fabric of your business structure. B-Corps are legally required to consider their impact on all stakeholders, not just shareholders. This means embedding your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility into your company's DNA. Think of it as your company's superhero origin story!

4. Assign your Bard to prepare his song

As you venture further along your journey, you'll discover the importance of transparency. B-Corps are required to publish a public report of their social and environmental performance. Start by sharing your impact and improvement goals with your employees and customers. You'll be surprised how rallying the troops around a common goal can boost morale and customer loyalty.

The next time we will be diving into the B-Corp certifications. Before you can proudly brandish your 'B' emblem, there are some more hurdles. One of them is the ‘B Corp certification’. This involves completing the B Impact Assessment and meeting a minimum verified score, then signing the B Corp Declaration of Interdependence and Term Sheet. It might seem like a formidable dragon to slay, but remember, every B Corp started where you are now.

Where can I find Tips and Tricks on how to become more sustainable?

Now, let's address the mystical creature in the room: 'What is the B-Lab?'
It's the Gandalf to your Frodo💍, the Dumbledore to your Harry🧙‍♂️, the Genie in your Lamp🧞. B-Lab is the non-profit organisation that administers the B Corp certification. They provide resources, tools, and support to help companies like yours on their journey to becoming a B Corp. On the website and social media there are often inspiration, success stories, and tips to be found, so keep a close eye on that one.

Becoming a B Corp is an exciting and rewarding journey. It’s about becoming a hero in the business world, championing sustainability and social responsibility. It's about embracing a new way of doing business, where profit doesn't come at the expense of the planet or its people.

Is this all worth it, you might wonder?

Imagine waking up each morning, knowing that your actions, or the company you work for isn't just making money, but it’s there to make  a difference. Picture your team, motivated and engaged, proud to be part of an organisation that shares the same values. Visualise your customers, loyal and appreciated, choosing you because they believe in what you stand for. That's the power of a B Corp.

But your journey doesn't end there! When you become a B Corp, like any good adventurer, you know that the quest for improvement never ends. Sustainability and social responsibility are ongoing commitments. It requires your continuous effort, innovative mindset, and your eagerness to learn. But don't worry, you're not alone on this journey. The B Corp community is a fellowship of companies committed to doing business better. They're there to support you, and you them. Share best practices and celebrate your successes.

What about those outside your company? As a B Corp, you have the power to inspire change not just within your business, but in your industry, your community, and the world. You can show other companies that it's possible to be both profitable and sustainable. You can prove that businesses can be a force for good. You can lead the way towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

So, are you ready to take up the challenge? Are you ready to embark on the epic journey to become a B Corp? The road may be long and the journey tough, but the reward is priceless. Becoming a B Corp isn't just about achieving a certification. It's about joining a movement. It's about transforming your business and making a positive impact. 

What’s next

The website features numerous pages detailing the steps and requirements necessary to become a B Corporation. If you're not ready to make the full commitment, there are also guidelines on how to start moving in this direction. Our newest article will offer a concise summary of this information for your convenience. Furthermore, we've included references to our sources in creating this summarised guide.

As you embark on your journey, remember the words of the great wizard, Gandalf: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." Make your time count⌛♻️. Become a B Corp. Change the world🌎✌️.

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