Apple and Nike Join Forces in a Clean Energy Revolution

In a groundbreaking move, Apple and Nike are sprinting ahead in the corporate world's race towards sustainability. These industry giants have teamed up to launch the Clean Energy Procurement Academy, a flagship initiative of the Clean Energy Buyers Institute’s (CEBI) Global Programs. This collaboration is not just a stride but a leap towards a greener future.

nike and apple

Championing Climate Action Through Unity

With significant backing from Google, the Clean Energy Procurement Academy emerges as a shining example of what collaboration can achieve. Powerhouses like Apple and Nike, in alliance with other industry frontrunners such as Amazon, Meta, PepsiCo, and REI Co-op, are boldly addressing the pressing need to weave clean energy into the fabric of global supply chains. Considering that over half of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are rooted in supply chains, this endeavor marks a pivotal move in the quest for environmental conservation and corporate accountability.

Training for a Greener Tomorrow

The Academy offers a multifaceted approach, blending in-person and online training with educational resources. This innovative program is designed to enhance the capabilities of supply chain companies to invest in renewable energy. It promotes access to crucial data and fosters collaboration among industries facing shared challenges in supply chain climate action.

Breaking Down Barriers

Nike’s chief sustainability officer, Noel Kinder, emphasizes the Academy's role in breaking down barriers to clean energy adoption. By collaborating across industries, companies can tackle systemic challenges together. The initiative also encourages supplier companies to elevate their renewable energy goals and commitments, focusing on establishing new renewable energy buying communities in pivotal manufacturing regions.

A Shared Curriculum for Change

The leaders behind this initiative have pooled their expertise and internal training resources to create a shared curriculum. This ensures that trainees rapidly evolve into sophisticated clean energy customers. The initiative has garnered support from the We Mean Business Coalition, extending its reach and influence.

The Ripple Effect of Corporate Responsibility

Apple and Nike's partnership in the Clean Energy Procurement Academy is more than a corporate initiative; it's a beacon of hope and a call to action. It shows that when giants in the industry unite for a cause, the impact can be monumental. This initiative is not just about reducing carbon footprints; it's about inspiring a global movement towards sustainability.

To tie it up

In a world grappling with climate change, Apple and Nike's clean energy procurement scheme is a shining example of corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship. It's a reminder that the journey towards a cleaner, greener future is not a solo race but a relay, where collaboration and shared goals can lead to transformative change. As these companies pave the way, they inspire others to join in, turning this duo's efforts into a global movement for a sustainable future.


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